Voyage Alaska 2005

Alaska 2005 is a 7-month exploration under sail of BC and coastal Alaska.

The idea for Alaska 2005 began when Peter purchased “Silent Partner” four years ago. Unable to find an apartment in Olympia and tired of paying rent, he purchased the boat for $7000 and has been living aboard ever since. Falling in love with the cruising lifestyle, he and his father Mike began investing in improvements for the boat. Through a series of sailing expeditions to British Columbia and Alaska ranging from 45 to 72 days, Peter and Mike figured out what “Silent Partner” needed (and didn’t need) to get them where they wanted to go. Peter has re-built just about every system on the boat himself, with a lot of help from friends and family.

Alaska 2005 is Peter’s idea of an ultimate return on his investments: a life lived on the water and ruled by mother nature. The length of the voyage enhances its safety by eliminating sailing schedules, and allows for a full immersion into a different way of life.

Peter has coordinated an independent contract through the Evergreen State College revolving around Voyage Alaska 2005, entitled “Paying Attention.” This website was founded in order that those interested can follow Peter’s learning process as the voyage is actually happening. It is an integral part of his trip, and he would like to show and share with the world what he likes doing best.

Alaska 2005 begins in Bellingham, WA. Once north of Vancouver Island the roads disappear, giving way to high mountainous terrain and temperate rainforest. GPS and radio reception are spotty due to the vertical relief and remoteness of the region. Barehanded weather forecasting and navigation without the aid of GPS are taken very seriously. He and his crew are stepping off the “main highway” of the Inside Passage to explore its more intricate waterways and marine canyons. Self-reliance, common sense and the ability to make do with the materials at hand are key. All towns, with the exception of Prince Rupert, can only be reached by boat or airplane. “Silent Partner” is equipped with the state of the art safety equipment and a crew knowledgeable in how to use it.

“Silent Partner” carries the following:

  • Four-man Winslow life raft
  • Ditch bag including spare GPS and radios
  • 3 immersion and 2 exposure survival suits
  • 3 Mustang auto/manual inflation jackets
  • 406Mhz EPIRB
  • MOB pole and Lifesling with dedicated 5:1 tackle
  • Jacklines w/ 3 harnesses and tethers
  • Current parachute flares and strobes
  • Coastal first aid pack
  • Common sense and the knowledge to avoid a situation before
    it has a chance to occur!

The voyage route will be determined by the weather, wind, tides, and
currents, and can be followed through Peter’s journals as the voyage progresses.

Peter Frost holds a Captain’s license, and current CPR and First Aid cards. Wilderness First Responder certification is pending before March 1st, 2005.

For questions and detailed information regarding trip logistics, provisions, and “Silent Partner” please feel free to write to: