Captain Peter Frost
Hello crew! I was raised as a “river rat” on Pine Island, a rock in the middle of the St. Lawrence Seaway. My grandmother and granddad showed me the ways of the Pine Island Pirates–I slept outside, learned how to be a savage, and lived by the water at all times. The official uniform: bare feet and bathing suit! We were isolated out there, with no electricity, phone, or outside distractions. At the center of our happy life there were the boats: The Margaret, the Wendy, and the Tory. I ran all three from a tender age that is now considered illegal to operate a boat–how else were we supposed to get groceries?
At age 18, I moved out west for my “higher education” and quickly discovered the Inside Passage and a whole new body of water! I fell in love with a boat named S/V “Silent Partner,” became a live-aboard, and sailed her to Alaska each year with my dad. In the fall I took to the mountains for employment, as a wilderness trail Crew Leader. In winter I worked as a Caretaker at a gold mine, known by some as Jawbone Flats, Oregon.
My wanderings simplified are thus: “Go West, and when you reach Puget Sound, sail North to Alaska!” That is what’s in my blood, I suppose–sailing North to Alaska–the thrill of the voyage into the unknown as civilization dips below the horizon. I also believe that the most amazing moments in life are useless unless you’ve got somebody there with you to share them with. So that’s how I naturally became the captain of Privateer, outward bound for Alaska, making new discoveries with a happy crew!
Professional credentials: USCG 100-ton Master Near-Coastal, STCW-95, Sailing and Commercial Towing endorsements, USCG Master License serial #1533229, U.S. Sailing Keelboat and Cruising Instructor, member #220269P, Merchant Marine, MMD Mariner #2689302, Wilderness Medical training, Evergreen State College, BA, Major: Exploration and Sailboat Navigation.
First Mate Kelsey Boesch
Kelsey Boesch is the master chef on-board all of our voyages. She spliced with captain Frost’s life and onto Pacific NW Expeditions by “coming in through the cabin windows,” and has endured baptism by fire since that point. This native Minnesotan is currently gaining serious offshore miles insome of the most treacherous waters known to mankind. She also endures the relentless abuse of the captain, day-in and day-out, one day hoping to rise up and take command of the ship at an opportune moment. In the meantime, captain Frost keeps a weather eye on her, careful not to bite the hand that feeds the crew. For those who have made the long passage, they know there’s no better sight than Kelsey’s smile as she serves up the grub and the grog from the ship’s galley. She truly knows that happy crew is a well-fed crew!
Meet the Delivery Crew of Pacific NW Expeditions
Click on the images below for crew biographies: