Privateer setting sail Jan 2015

Sailing for North Island soon…

Saturday, January 2nd, 2016

The 3 Privateers are about to make their maiden voyage together to the North Island of NZ! We have re-rigged the boat, cleared the decks for sea, and are waiting for a suitable southwesterly to carry us north, up the west side of the North Island. Fitting that Taz’s first sail will be on the Tasman Sea! This logbook will be updated from sea via our HF radio & posting through Sailmail, as conditions allow. Feels good to be back on the ocean road!

Privateer about to sail, sea trials for Taz

Wednesday, September 30th, 2015

We are very excited to return to the ocean road with our newest crew, Atlas (Taz) Tasman Frost! We’ve taken a year off in order to let him grow before crossing oceans again. our current plan is to sail NZ waters from January to April, 2016, and then sail for Vanuatu.