Feb 12, 2012 Baranof
34° SNOW + RAIN, 34° CLEAR
While I was making samosas in the late morning, Ben (a friend from the hatchery who’d arrived on his sailboat) and his 5-year-old son Tristan came by the cabin. Tristan was curious about the cooking project, asking, “What are you doin’ Ms. Kelsey?” He’d taken a shining to me. He told me about his proficiency in the kitchen, how he’d made his mom a pot of soup for her birthday.
Ben agreed to weld our cracked snow blower handle, given his access to a full-blown shop at the hatchery. We’d ordered a brand-new handle, but it would be wise to have a back up. Pete showed Ben & Tristan to the L-tub and they soaked before departing the bay. A group of seasonal employees from the hatchery had made way for the grotto without snowshoes and we wondered how they (and our nicely packed snowshoe trail) had fared.
The theme of the night was Indian, and we had Dave & Anke over for salad, samosas and a coconut-tomato-chickpea curry. Pete set the ambiance with a CD he’d picked up in India. With tapioca pudding for dessert, we were all stuffed to the brim!