June 21, 2014 Ships Everywhere…
We’re about 200 miles from Suwarrow and have slowed the boat down, in order to arrive at an optimum time to enter the atoll pass. Even running reefed in light breezes, Privateer wants to race across the ocean! Might double reef tomorrow or heave-to for a few hours.
Sighted one ship on the horizon last night (my guess is Japanese trawler) on the high seas. Two more on the horizon tonight! And our first night out from Bora Bora had a close encounter with an aircraft carrier. We don’t expect to see anybody out here so it feels a bit crowded…
Rolly sail today, and I cooked a dinner we called “counter-top curry”. Managed to spill some of the curry on the counter which I quickly scooped up and threw into the pan, but the majority went all over the galley, into little crevices in the foot pump, and somehow all over the top of my head.
Billions of stars tonight: 3-D technicolor twinkling and streaming meteor trails…
13 51′ S
159 38′ W
SOG 5.5 kts