October 14, 2014 Privateer to NZ!!
October 14, 2014
18 07 S
178 45 E
SOG: 5.0 kts.
Nep and I are motor-sailing in light winds and drizzle through the Kadavu Passage tonight, after departing Levuka at 1200. We had a great customs check-out procedure (very easy) and gave the last of our kava to some fishermen, who in return gave us two big lobsters! We are excited for the passage, and Privateer is all battened down and ready for the open sea again. The forecast shows several good days of trade-wind sailing beginning tomorrow around noon. We’ll keep our finger’s crossed!
Kelsey is in Suva tonight looking for masala dosas (Indian crepes) and will fly to NZ ahead of Privateer–better for the baby! She’s looking forward to being in the land of milk and honey (and veggies!) Nep and I hope to make Nelson NZ in one passage, provided we get a good forecast, which should make about a 1600 mile passage of about 12 days in an ideal scenario. We’ll be sending a daily update from the high sea.