March 26, 2014 300NM to go…..

We are through the squalls and into clear, steady breezes. Remained on close reach and didn’t touch the sails or helm for 36 hours–had one of our best mileage days yesterday noon-to-noon: 160 NM! Privateer does a great job sailing to weather. Winds are supposed to shift to beam reach tomorrow and slowly ease to ten knots as we near landfall, ETA Sunday afternoon. Played cribbage and hearts today while we blasted across the big blue sea. GRIBS are lining up very well–we’ve played a great sailing strategy on this trip, for the most incredible sailing we’ve ever experienced!

0351 Zulu
6 09′ 15″ S
135 12′ 49″ W
SOG 7.2 kts

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